Best Python Interview Questions and Answers in 2022

Best Python Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

Attending and cracking interviews are intimidating at times. Besides, there is so much competition in this age of digitalization that mastering a simple interview seems next to impossible. And the same follows for programming languages like Python, where aspirants suffer nervous breakdowns, especially in the technical rounds. Therefore, we decided to list the top Python interview questions and answers in 2023.

These questions are meant for both beginners and advanced aspirants. However, they are designed in a way to cover all the aspects of the language and strengthen your knowledge. So, let’s get started with Python interview questions and answers.

Top Python Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

To simplify the process, we have categorized Python interview questions and answers.

Python Interview Questions and Answers for freshers

Question: Explain all about Python.

Python is designed by a Dutch programmer named Guido van Rossum. It is an extremely high-level, interactive, and object-oriented scripting language. The reason behind its development is to make the content readable by using English keywords instead of punctuations.

Question: What applications are seamlessly supported by Python?

Python is so scalable and popular that it is used in any software development arena. Besides, it used to create several applications too, like,

  • Web Applications
  • Desktop GUI Applications
  • Audio or Video-based Applications
  • Console-based Application
  • Software Development
  • Business Applications
  • Image Processing Application
  • 3D CAD Applications
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Scientific and Numeric

Question: What are the prominent Keywords used in Python?

Python consists of certain Keywords, which are used as names of functions, identifiers, or variable names. There are altogether 33 Keywords in Python that describe the syntax and structure of the language. They are as follows:

And else def True Class import None
Not while lambda with Except in yield
Or for return try del global raise
Elif as pass assert from is  
If break False continue finally nonlocal  

Question: State and explain all about Literals in Python.

Literals in Python are the raw data assigned to constants or variables. Interestingly, there are various types of Literals in Python, like:

  • Numeric: These are fixed Literals, and have different types like complex, float, and integer.
  • String: Enclosed in codes, these Literals are a sequence of characters. They can be single, either double or triple strings, which is based on the number of quotes. Besides, there are character literals too, which are single characters enclosed in single or double quotes.
  • Boolean: They have either of the two values – True or False furthermore represented in ‘1’ and ‘0,’ respectively.
  • Special: Special literals are meant for classifying uncreated fields and are represented with value – ‘none.’

Question: Mention all about the functions of Python.

Functions in Python language are actually blocks comprising reusable and organized codes. Functions play a pivotal role in creating modularity for applications while reusing the coding. Interestingly, Python has an array of built-in functions and allows for creating user-defined functions.           

Python tricky interview questions

Question: How does Python stand different from other languages like C, C++, and Java?

Being an interpreted language, Python’s code gets executed dynamically. Besides, Python doesn’t need any kind of compilation, thus distinguishing itself from other languages.

Question: Can you add comments in Python code?

Yes, one can add comments in Python code, provided the first letter should be ‘#,’ and then the commented line starts.

Questions: Name a few Python libraries and explain any one of them.

Python libraries are a compilation of various Python packages. Amid this, there are some prominent libraries, like, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn.

– Pandas – When it comes to analysis and manipulation of data, Pandas – the software library plays a key role. Besides, it also offers mediums like data structures and operations to manipulate numerical tables and time series.

Question: Explain all about PEP 8.

PEP 8 is the acronym for Python Enhancement Proposal. It is like a document or guideline that helps write Python code. It consists of a set of rules for formatting Python code for boosting readability. Alongside this, it also documents new features, aspects like design and style for the Python community.

Question: What are metaclasses?

A metaclass is an object-oriented programming (OOP) concept used in Python to identify the behavior of a class, and it is a class of a class. They are a breather when inheritance becomes very much messy. The best part about metaclasses is that they can be applied in class registration, logging, profiling, and so much more. Amid this, ABCMeta is one of the most common metaclasses used to create abstract classes.

Python interview questions and answers for a senior developer

Question: Explain and demonstrate the lambda function in Python.

A lambda function is also tagged as an anonymous function – a nameless function. While defining anonymous functions, instead of using the ‘def’ keyword, we must use the ‘lambda’ keyword. This is how it has gained the name ‘lambda function.’ One must remember that Lambda functions can have an array of arguments but only one statement.

For example:

l = lambda x,y : x+y

print(a(5, 6))


Question: Can you highlight the difference between the remove() function and del statement?

When a user wishes to delete a specific object from the list, then he/she must use the remove() function.


list_5 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]  



print(“After removal: “, list_5)  

Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]

After removal: [2, 3, 4]

Question: What is unpickling and pickling in Python?

When you have to convert a hierarchy in a Python object to a byte stream, it is done using “Pickling” whereas “unpickling” is the other way around. It is a contrary operation wherein a byte stream (from a binary file or bytes-like object) is converted back into an object hierarchy.

Question: Explain all about nolocal and global keywords.

Both these keywords are meant to define and change the scope of a variable, which is already declared. And when there is a variable in a nested function, it is accessed using the nolocal keyword.

Question: Explain with example about negative indexes and their usage.

Indexes that are placed at the end of a list, string, or tuple are called Negative indexes. Let’s elaborate further with an appropriate example.

Arg[-1] means the last element of array Arg[]

arg = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

print(arg[-1]) #The output will be 1

#For getting the second last element

print(arg[-2]) #The output will be 2

So, these were some Python interview questions and answers that will help you sail through your job calls. However, having in-depth knowledge is equally important, and for that, you must enroll in the best Python Classes in Pune. Want to know more? Do read below.

Cyber Success, Best Python Classes in Pune

Cyber Success has been in the Python training in Pune for years together, and all these years, we have shaped some bright talents who are placed in the best IT companies. We know the importance of Python in the world of IT, which is why we have designed a Python course in Pune that fulfills all the requirements of a bright future.

We have experienced instructors by our side who impart knowledge of the competitive world. We emphasize more on practical knowledge than theoretical, which is why we have live projects. So, if you are looking forward to a lucrative career, then call on (+91) 9168665643, (+91) 9168665644, or drop an email to