Get Familiar With The Different ReactJS Components

Each tool and technology belonging to the software industry goes through multiple upgrades over time. These tools are updated so they can evolve and serve the changing needs of the industry, helping businesses develop better quality applications at a quicker pace.

One tool that has been a blessing to developers since its introduction to the market is ReactJS. Instagram, Netflix, Facebook, PayPal, Airbnb, and Uber – are a few of the leading companies that rely on the capabilities of ReactJS. The answer to why this tool is so popular among developers and leading firms across the globe lies in the ReactJS components.

First, let’s get to know the basics of ReactJS a little better. React is a JavaScript library that leverages JavaScript features to create exceptional UIs. It forms a strong foundation for single-page application development. The library is exclusively designed for building fast and interactive user interfaces for both website and mobile applications, and for expertly handling the view layer for the same. Its simplicity, scalability & flexibility urges aspiring developers to pursue it with much passion.

Another main goal of the tool is to enable developers to create reusable UI components. The ReactJS components are what sets the tool apart from its alternatives. Let’s take a closer look at each of these components, and what are their advantages.

What Are ReactJS Components?

Before component-based tools were adopted by the industry, website development was comprised of complex processes. Developers were required to write thousands of lines of code for developing single-page applications. Given that these applications were built on the back of traditional DOM structure, making changes or fixing errors in the script meant a lot of manual work for developers. The answer to challenges like these is a component-based approach where the entire application is divided into a small logical group of code called components.

A React application is a product of these components coming together to form a firm base. Their primary purpose is to help developers build user interfaces with ease. The best part about components is that they can be reused throughout the development cycle. Each component has its own methods, APIs, and structure.

While all components share the same environment, they work independently and eventually merge to create the final UI of the application. The components are nested within one another, facilitating the creation of advanced UIs. Let’s explore the main types of ReactJS components.

Types Of Components In ReactJS

1. ReactJS Functional Components:

Functional components are functions that accept properties as input and return what should be rendered. They are a way to write components that only contain a render method. These functions may or may not receive data as parameters.

They are also called stateless components as they do not hold or manage the state. However, this functionality can be added by implementing React Hooks. Owing to React Hooks, writing functional components has become a common method of writing React components in advanced applications. Functional components are simply JavaScript functions. They are generally used to display information and are easy to read, debug, and test.

2. Class Components In ReactJS:

Of the four types, class components are used most commonly, and for good reason. They provide every feature that a functional component does and bring additional capabilities to enhance applications. Class components can best leverage the functionalities of React, state, props, and lifecycle methods.
They are also called stateful components because they can hold or manage local states. Given that class components can work with each other, they are slightly more complex than functional components. Developers can transfer data from one class to other class components. It requires an extension from React. Component and the creation of a render function that returns a React element.

3. ReactJS Pure Components:

Pure components are similar to functional components in the sense that they do modify the state of variables. Their main role is to facilitate optimizations. They are the simplest and fastest components developers can write. As such, pure components prove to be great alternatives for functional components.

The key distinction between a regular React.Component and a React.PureComponent is that pure components perform shallow comparisons on state change. In this case, the components do not re-render without considering the updated state and props. If the state and props are the same as the previous state and props, then the component does not re-render.

4. ReactJS Higher-Order Components:

A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. It is not a React component you can find in the API. They are functions that return a component and allow the sharing of logic with other components. HOCs can come in handy, especially in React applications where rendering multiple components dynamically is important.

User comments are one of the best examples of HOC. These comments are saved in the backend. Developers leverage React to retain the comments with fetch and place the data in the component’s state as an array. Then, it is possible to map over the comments array and transform each comment into a comment component.

Advantages Of ReactJS Components

The existence of components is what gives ReactJS a winning edge. These reusable lines of code function independently, bringing many benefits to the table. Here are three of the most important advantages of ReactJS components-

  1. Reusable Codes: A component used in one section of the application can be re-used by developers in another section, speeding up the development process, as well as promoting easy code management and documentation.
  2. Nested Components: In React applications, there are parent components that shelter multiple child components. This helps developers create more interactive UI designs to enhance user experiences.
  3. Passing Props (Properties): Any and every component within a React application can receive properties. The parent component can pass these properties to specify particular values.

Best React JS Classes In Pune – Enroll With Cyber Success

Today, ReactJS is leveraged by the world’s leading companies. Hence, aspiring developers are keen on mastering the tool to advance their careers in multinational corporations. This is where Cyber Success comes to the rescue. Our industry-oriented course takes you through the basics to an advanced level, helping you develop intuitive web applications.

After completing the React JS training at Cyber Success, you gain an excellent knowledge of Virtual DOM, HTML, and CSS when using React Programming for front-end development. You also learn to use web services and perform CRUD operations. Kick-start your career by bagging noteworthy front-end roles in tech companies. To know more about our ReactJS course in Pune, contact us at (+91) 9168665643, (+91) 9168665644, or drop an email at