Know The Difference Between Python 2 and Python 3

The beauty of Python lies in the fact that it is the ideal choice for a wide range of projects, from simple web applications to operating systems. As its easy-to-learn syntax promotes readability, the cost of program maintenance is significantly reduced.

Python is both object-oriented and functional, allowing programmers to think of code as both data and functionality. Being simple yet versatile, it is compatible with all operating systems. This means that developers can build native applications for both Windows and Mac computers.

Much like most other programs, Python has certainly evolved well in order to keep up with the changing industry trends and demands. Over time, it has seen major releases. With each new update, the programming language has improved in a way that most developers can have easy access to it, as well as leverage it to develop brilliant applications. Python has now become one of the most used and learned languages today. So much so that it has been a significant contributor to the inception of Ruby and Perl, among other dynamic coding languages.

Esteemed brands like Instagram, Uber, Spotify, Netflix, Reddit, and more are now adopting and integrating Python at their backend owing to the enviable features of the programming language. In this blog, we will explore the primary differences between Python 2 and Python 3, as well as the advantages of Python 3 over 2. But, before we dive into the distinctions, let’s take a look at the origins of this language and its latest versions.

Python 2 vs Python 3 – The Inception

Python was created by a Dutch programmer named Guido van Rossum. While it was first released in 1991, he started working on developing the language in the late 1980s. It was built from a previously failed program called the ABA language made by the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) research institute in the Netherlands. Rossum altered the code into a flexible language that would evolve to be one of the most popular coding languages across the globe.

The language was initially meant as a scripting language for Amoeba, a distributed operating system used by the CWI. Today’s Python, first and foremost, promotes code readability. It is simple, straightforward, and versatile. It is the ideal choice for a wide range of projects, from simple web applications to operating systems. Any programmer with significant experience in coding can pick up this programming language.

First released in the year 2000, Python 2.0 was created by the BeOpen Python Labs team. The team worked towards improving the features of the language and debugging it. The idea was to make the program more simple and more useful for different applications. Another objective was to make it as easy as possible so that it will be readable to the non-technical departments involved in a particular project as well. This vision paved the way for 2.X which was open to the community where expert developers across the globe could contribute to the growth of Python. The latest and the very last version was Python 2.7, ending the buzzing saga of Python 2.

Released in 2008, Python 3.0 brought forth a revolutionary change in the long history of Python. This new Python was not just an all-new update of Python 2.0. It was an entirely revamped version that was not completely backward-compatible with earlier versions. The main goals of developing Python 3 were to facilitate forward compatibility and eliminate redundancy when writing complex coding scripts. With this version, developers do not have to rewrite codes (that perform similar tasks) over and over again. This step brought a lot of clarity to the table, making it easier for developers to write codes using this language.

Related Reading: How To Learn Python for Free?

Python 2 vs Python 3 – Key Differences

                            Python 2.0 Python 3.0
First released in the year 2000, Python 2.0 was created by the BeOpen Python Labs team. Python 3.0 was released in 2008 and marked a big change in the evolution of the language.
The main goal was to open the language to the community in order to make it simpler and easier to read even for the non-technical teams. The key objective was to facilitate forward compatibility and eliminate redundancy when writing complex coding scripts.
Python 2 was mostly used to become a DevOps Engineer. It is no longer in use after 2020. Python 3 is leveraged in several important fields like Software Engineering and Data Science.
While Python 2 is still in use for configuration management in DevOps, it is an outdated version that requires developers to write codes repetitively to perform similar tasks. Python 3 comes with a typing system and is the current standard in the industry. The version makes code writing much easier, as well as improves the performance of the code’s runtime.
In Python 2, exceptions are enclosed in notations. In Python 3, exceptions are enclosed in parentheses.
When it comes to the type of default text strings, Python 2 uses ASCII. It is a method of encoding English characters with an assigned number. It does not cover a lot of symbols. On the other hand, Python 3 uses Unicode. This gives it the ability to represent foreign languages. It is also inclusive of several other widely used symbols and emojis as well.
Print is considered to be a statement and not a function in Python 2. Here, print is considered to be a statement and not a function.
Many of the Python 2 libraries are not forward compatible. A lot of libraries created in Python 3 can only be used with this particular version.
The values of global variables change in Python 2 if they are used inside a for-loop. On the contrary, the value of variables never changes in Python 3.
In Python 2, the xrange() function has been defined for iterations. In Python 3, the new Range() function was introduced to perform iterations.
On the division of two integers, developers get an integral value in Python 2. For example, 9/2 gives the value of 4 in Python 2. On the division of two integers, developers get a floating-point value in Python 3. For example, 9/2 gives the value of 4.5, which is more accurate.

Python 2 vs Python 3 – Which One To Learn?

Now that we have studied the key differences, it is safe to say that Python 3 definitely takes the throne in the battle of Python 2 vs. 3 performance. It is the ideal choice for aspiring developers who are new to the language and wish to master it in the months to come.

Apart from its brilliant readability and functionality across multiple applications like development, data science, and analytics scripting, the most obvious reason to choose Python 3 is that it is the latest version and is quite in demand in the industry, even among other programming languages. Most leading companies today are looking to switch to Python 3. Moreover, it has a very steep learning curve, meaning that it is easier to master.

Enroll With Cyber Success – Best Python Classes In Pune

Some of the world’s leading organizations across the world are actively looking to tap into the power of Python business growth and generate more revenue. As such, they want to invest in talent with an in-depth knowledge of Python. With the industry brimming with ready-to-work talent with multiple skills, a competitive edge can come in handy.

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