Interesting Facts About Angular Programming Language

Interesting Facts About Angular Programming Language!

Every developer who has spent a significant amount of time in the coding realm, exploring the potential of programming languages, knows what a gem Angular is! The many features of Angular programming language stand testimony to the fact that its popularity is well-deserved. AngularJS is a JavaScript-based, front-end web framework mainly maintained by Google to resolve the many of the complexities of developing single-page applications featuring a smoother user interface. It is a structural framework that uses HTML as a template language. The framework not only lets you use HTML as your template language, but also lets you extend HTML’s syntax to define an application’s components clearly. Its data binding and dependency injection help eliminate a good amount of the code that one would otherwise have to write!

Angular’s structural framework also comes in handy when it comes to providing a comprehensive client-side solution. The other features that promote easy usability are controller, services, filters, templates, routing, etc. Data binding, basic templating directives, validation, routing, deep linking and reusable components, all come as a set. All said and done, fact remains that no programming language is perfect! If one manages to look past its minor flaws, Angular can work wonders for developers!

Why Is Angular So Popular?

Ever wondered why Angular is better than the programming languages? Well, the answer lies in its benefits. Here are five of the primary advantages of Angular that make it better than the best-

  1. Data binding and dependency injection help you avoid a good amount of the code that you would otherwise have to write to keep the model and view components connected.
  2. HTML being used as a template allows designers and web developers to work simultaneously. Web designers can create user interfaces, while the developers tie user interface components with data models.
  3. A project of any size can be easily balanced on the back of Angular. Unit testing is provided and the context based communication is supported as well.
  4. The framework comes with a complete package. This ensures that a data-based web app can be built without the need for relying on any other framework or plug-in.
  5. Angular data models are Plain Old Java Objects (POJO), meaning to say that it is simple to modify properties without disturbing much and ensuring little to none errors.

7 Interesting Facts and Features About Angular 

Here are some interesting facts about Angular to get you a little more excited about mastering the programming language. The following AngularJS features and facts are a proof of its popularity-

1. Brought To You By Google:

AngularJS has been created and is maintained mainly by Google and a team of highly skilled experts with years of experience. They efficiently analyze and identify issues and bugs within the framework. With their relentless support and regular updates you never have to worry about the framework giving up on you in the middle of an application building process!

2. The Model-View-Controller Pattern:

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model layer deals with information, the view layer displays this information, and the controller connects the model and the view layer. In most other languages, you are required to divide an application into these segments and write a code to associate them with each other too. This can be a lot of work. With AngularJS, you just need to divide the application into MVC structure and Angular does the rest for you.

3. HTML As A Template:

The most impressive feature of AngularJS is that it unlocks the potential of User Interface with HTML to design the UI of an application. It combines the HTML template with information received from the model and controller to render the dynamic view that a user sees in the browser. Angular makes short labels simple to execute; these are otherwise difficult to adapt. This is a cost-effective way of designing a user interface that stands out from the rest.

4. The Amazing AngularJS Router:

This framework features an incredibly unique router. In other frameworks, the router observes and checks for the location.hash and calls the function after the route matches. Angular doesn’t observe the location.hash and acts as a server-side router instead.


5. Thank Technology For Data Binding:

AngularJS takes away the tedious task of working with getElementById, addEventlistener kind of coding. How? It follows the Model-View-Controller pattern, meaning that the system connects and binds the Model and the View. The changes made in the Interface have a simultaneous consequence on the objects of the application structure and vice versa.

6. AngularJS = Zero Tedious Work:

AngularJS saves the developer a lot of time spent on tedious work. You never have to rewrite the code when developing a new app. You can simply copy-paste the code into the new app, and make an actual component.

7. Gets Along With One And All:

AngularJS is highly compatible in the sense that applications developed with this flexible framework run smoothly on Android, iOS, and major mobile OSes as well.

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The front end is an integral part of any application since it makes for the first interaction with the users i.e. the look and feels of the application. Angular is becoming more and more prominent these days and developers who seek the spotlight in the IT industry prioritize Angular.

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