Quality Assurance in Software Testing

What is Quality Assurance (QA) in Software Testing?

We all expect the top-notch quality of all goods and services. And it continues to be a major concern in all sectors. In the same way, quality is a must in the software industry too. Its demand, user requirement, and reliability can make it more complex thus, making it a challenging task. Therefore, maintaining quality to meet all the requirements is imperative. That’s when Software Quality Assurance comes into the picture. You might be wondering – why is it so important? Thus, with this article, we are going to explain all the aspects of it in a comprehensive manner. So, keep reading!

What is Software Quality Assurance (QA)? 

All-in-all, software quality assurance is a systematic action plan which provides a sense of confidence that the quality of software product or services meets all the technical requirements. It consists of activities that ensure all the processes and standards are implemented perfectly. It simply assures the quality of the software.

Moreover, Software Quality Assurance in Software Testing closely works along with the development of the software. It’s because it improves the development process so that huge problems do not create ruckus at the latter stage.

So, now you know what QA is all about. But many get confused between software testing and quality assurance. So, hereby we are all set to explore QA vs. Software Testing.

Difference Between QA and Software Testing 

QA vs Software Testing Quality Assurance Software Testing
Definition It is a set of activities that ensure that the software meets all the technical aspects. It is a process that explores the entire system and lists out defects if any.
Activities Quality assurance activities are related to implementation, thus making it a preventive activity. Software testing includes activities that revolve around the verification process. It is like a corrective activity.
Focus It focuses on the process, ensuring quality, and meeting the specifications is a must. It focuses on the product wherein the inspection of the system and finding the bugs is mandatory.
Scope Quality assurance can be applied to all products of the organization. Software testing is limited to a particular product that needs testing.
Examples Quality assurance examples include audit training, process documentation, etc. Software testing examples include review testing, system testing, etc.

So, now you have a brief idea about Software Quality Assurance and how it differs from Software Testing. Therefore, let’s move forward to explore the software quality assurance methods and the process in-depth.

Software Quality Assurance Process & Methods 

When we talk about the process, then primarily, there is a PDCA cycle which consists of four phases.

  1. Plan
  2. Do
  3. Check
  4. Act

Plan: In this stage, the organization needs to start planning the process. For this, they need to establish the process as well as objectives that are mandatory to churn out top-notch products.

– Do: At this stage, testing of the processes, as well as development, is undertaken. Furthermore, all necessary changes are also undertaken.

– Check: Is the product complementing the objectives? Are the processes working smoothly? Is there a need to modify the process? Thus, all the monitoring tasks are undertaken at this stage.

– Act: Lastly, once the improvements are achieved, and quality is assured, then the implementation of action is undertaken.

This process sounds simple, but if implemented in a correct manner, then there can be a curtailment of errors in the final product. Therefore, we are going to look into the Quality assurance methods too.

Software Quality Assurance Methods 

1. Creating a sound management plan

Jot down a plan for how you are going to implement a proper QA throughout the project. Also, note down the skills and activities that you wish to include which work best for the project.

2. Create checkpoints

Analyze the data and performance of the project at the desired checkpoints. Also, apply automated testing to areas that are at the highest risk. It will help in saving the cost of the project.

3. Proper allocation of time

Don’t indulge in hasty decisions or implementation. Take and exert ample time for each process. Also, undertake multiple testing approaches that will simplify the process.

4. Map the changes made in the project

Sometimes, when you make changes, new errors might ruin the performance. So, whenever you make any edits or changes, check its compatibility, and measure whether it will be beneficial for the entire project.

Enroll at Cyber Success to Get Trained in Quality Assurance (QA) in Software Testing

So, we are quite confident that you have got a fair idea of Quality Assurance in Software Testing. Therefore, to become an expert in this field, then you must join a course in Software Testing only at Cyber Success. We will help you with off-campus placements as well as train you under the best mentors. Amidst this, if any confusion persists, then feel free to contact us on 9168665643 / 9168665644 or drop an email at hello@cybersuccess.biz.