Top 5 ReactJS Best Practices To Follow In 2022 Cyber Success

Explore 5 Best ReactJS Best Practices To Follow In 2023

In the software industry, every tool and product is equipped with a unique set of features in a way that serves a specific purpose. Once the tool is tested and launched into the market, it is up to the professionals of the field to know how to make the most of its features. Moreover, these features are updated with each passing year to enhance its efficiency. The same rings true for ReactJS, an open-source, front-end JavaScript library used for building user interfaces.

To leverage ReactJS to its true potential today, developers need to be well-acquainted with the best ReactJS practices in 2023. Implementing these techniques is the key to mastering the tool. If you are fairly in the realm of ReactJS, this blog will serve to be a comprehensive guide when it comes to the must-follow ReactJS best practices. Before we explore these key practices, let’s take a quick look at what this tool entails and what role it plays in application building.

Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram, Facebook, PayPal, Uber – are a few of the leading companies that rely on ReactJS. The fact that more than 1,300 developers and over 94,000 sites rely on ReactJS speaks volumes of its efficacy. The library is essentially created for building fast and interactive user interfaces for both website and mobile applications, and for expertly handling the view layer for the same. Its simplicity, scalability & flexibility urges aspiring developers to pursue it relentlessly. Apart from building user interfaces, one of the primary goals of the tool is to help developers create reusable UI components.

5 ReactJS Best Practices To Follow In 2023

1. Create Components Keeping Reusability In Mind:

The very first thing to be mindful of when writing ReactJS codes is keeping the component creation to a minimum. Associating only one function to one component goes a long way when it comes to improving code reusability. It also helps maintain a certain degree of consistency throughout the project, or multiple projects.

The rule here is quite simple, if there is already a component that best fits a function, do not create a new one. Try to accommodate that function in the existing component. However, do not stuff a component to the extent where the code is too complex to read. If a component gets too crowded, make sure to split it into smaller ReactJS components that shelter similar functions.

2. Keep Your Code Neat & Testable:

The next important thing to ensure is that your code is as short and precise as possible. To ensure this, all you have to do is analyze the code and discover patterns. If you come across duplicate codes, you can simply do away with the excess codes.

Secondly, the code created should be easily testable as well. Adopting a precise approach when creating test files is a practice that always comes in handy. Two of the best options for testing ReactJS codes are JEST and One way to easily keep track of the files you have tested is by naming your test files similar to the source files, preferably with a ‘.test’ suffix. Each time you add a new component to your test, make sure to are a test for the same. This helps the new code to integrate well with the existing code.

3. Benefit From A Linter By Using It Well:

Using a linter can bring developers a treasure trove of benefits, as long as they are familiar with its rules. The analysis tool essentially serves two primary goals. Firstly, it studies the JavaScript code being created by you. It highlights the possible flaws in your code like unwarranted bugs and stylistic errors. Without tools like Linter, these errors would be identified a little late in the code execution phase. The second goal of Linter is to help promote better coding overall. It is best known to help developers build an organized import order of dependencies.

The best part about Linter is that you can disable it – for a particular part or line of the code or for the entire file itself. Moreover, with Linter, you can adjust style checking. This feature proves to be an absolute blessing when multiple teams are working on the same project.

4. Leverage Effective Managers To Handle Application State:

When working with ReactJS, Redux is one of the best tools to manage the state of the application. Being one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, it is exclusively designed to store the state of the variables in applications. This information can be incredibly helpful in the crucial decision-making phases of the application building cycle; for example, deciding on which components to render. Developers who have some experience with ReactJS are already aware of how beneficial Redux can be.

Large-scale applications come with an extensive application state. Managing these is not an easy task, to begin with. It only gets more challenging as your application requires scaling up every once in a while. This is where well-built libraries like Redux enter the picture. The impressive fact about this tool is that it features a comprehensive place called “store” as it comfortably stores the entire application’s state.

5. Make Dedicated Folders For Files Belonging To Different Components:

No matter the project scale, organizing the information plays a key role in the effective execution and quick delivery of the project. This is where the beauty of folders becomes evident. It is important to collate and store all files related to a particular component in a single folder. This includes the styling files as well. The smaller components associated with that one particular component can be tucked away safely within the same folder as well.

This practice makes it much easier to keep track of a component’s details, especially if it is large. It gives one excellent clarity on how the complex component is broken down into smaller chunks. Take a form component, for example – everything related to it (icons, images, CSS files, tests, and more) can be stored in the same folder. They can be easily found later, as and when required. This also helps developers find generic codes and modify them for similar projects.

Enroll With Cyber Success – Excellent ReactJS Training In Pune

Do you aspire to master the fundamentals of ReactJS? Get holistic ReactJS training in Pune with Cyber Success. Our industry-oriented course is designed to take you through the basics to an advanced level, helping you develop urbane and accessible web applications. You gain an excellent knowledge of Virtual DOM, HTML, and CSS when using React Programming for front-end development. You also learn to use web services and perform CRUD operations.

In addition, we provide 100% placement assistance, hands-on training from industry experts, and preparation for global certification. What are you waiting for? Start your ReactJS journey today, feel free to contact us on (+91) 9168665643, (+91) 9168665644, or drop an email at